You Have More Than You Know

Often times it’s easier to dwell and think of all the negatives that are in our lives. I think of my health, of the downward spiral it’s on and it’s so easy to get down, get sad and be a pessimist. The positives isn’t near in sight. But there are positives, to everything, to it all. I’ve often times think of the positives that Chiari and Syringomyelia has brought to my life. It’s allowed me to stay grounded and to live in the moment. I always thought of hospital stays as something foreign. However, having been in the hospital for weeks on end recovering from surgeries brought on by Chiari, it’s given me a whole new outlook on hospitals. There are so many people there, recovering, learning to walk, learning to dress – I was in that position at one point in my life, learning it all – all over again, from learning to walk, to going up and down stairs to learning to move my head from side to side to learning how to dress myself – I was about 28 years old at that time with three littles at home. So many people there feeling lonely, scared, hopeless, frustrated and sad. I’m so thankful to have seen that. It allowed me to see that even though I’m going through something very much valid, there’s also always someone else going through it worse than I am. There are people needing so much more than I do, having a grateful heart for what I have and changing perspective allows me to see what’s right in front of me. Only then is when I realize that I have so much more than I know.

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While doing a summer assignment with my oldest son, something stayed with me, it’s from a Swedish folktale titled, “The Laughing Magpie.” The two lines are …

“I laugh because you would rather be sad than fix your own problem.”

Know that you are bigger than any obstacle and any struggle you may be facing today.

“Silly boy, don’t you see that everything you need is right before your eyes?”

If we stop and open our eyes, we can gather the resilience and the inner strength that lies within.


Photo: Joseph Barrientos

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Published by

Mom Life With Chiari

Living with Chiari 1 Malformation and Syringomyelia since 2013.

30 thoughts on “You Have More Than You Know”

  1. Yes!! I love this post, Ana! You and I are the same wavelength with trying to find positives in situations that pretty much suck. You are good at keeping perspective in difficult situations, bc you are right – it can always be worse. I love the quotes at the end, especially the last one.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Beautiful and inspiring…. We always have more than we know & all that we need is right before our eyes…. We just need to focus and sweet them clearly…… Thanks for sharing dear & my best wishes to you & Chiari 💕🌸

    Liked by 2 people

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