Reblog Wednesday: A Six-Word Story — HappymessHappiness

There have been times when I’ve felt unworthy, unworthy of love – of being loved, unworthy of blessings, of happiness, simply unworthy. And then things happen, time passes and I realize that I too deserve happiness, I too deserve blessings on blessings. I remember that there is no perfect being walking on this earth and that I try. I try my best as a mother, wife, sister and daughter, and that I strive. I strive to be better and do better than I did yesterday. As this lovely post by Happymess Happiness so perfectly in just but a few words put it – ‘Even broken things can be loved.’ Indeed.

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So, if you feel defeated, lonely, unhappy, grieving, in pain – broken, just know that you too can be loved, broken and all.



Even broken things can be loved.

via A Six-Word Story — HappymessHappiness

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Photo: Fancycrave / Unsplash

Published by

Mom Life With Chiari

Living with Chiari 1 Malformation and Syringomyelia since 2013.

18 thoughts on “Reblog Wednesday: A Six-Word Story — HappymessHappiness”

  1. Beautiful sharing from the heart. Everyone is deserving of love and to be happy, blessed. Yes, there are times we become discouraged and think less – but there is always as brighter day. Blessings and love to you along the way. 😊


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